Chickpea Flour Pancakes recipe is the fastest, easiest, most filling and most versatile recipe you will come across. It is gluten free, nut free and dairy free. Vegan, whole-food plant-based, protein-rich and kids approved. Other versions and names are Farinata, it is backed in a hot skillet in ...
Our Plant-Based Pantry
For some reason, homesteaders enjoy reading about each other's pantries. It gives us ideas on what and how to store food and provides inspiration. Here's a glimpse into our plant-based pantry, showcasing the foods we can and can't grow ourselves, all of which we're grateful to enjoy ...
How to Build a Geodesic Dome Greenhouse Version 2
We built our second geodesic dome slightly different from our first one several years ago. In this article, we share how to build a geodesic dome greenhouse version 2. You can read all about version 1 in How to Build a GeoDome Greenhouse. Why did we use a different building method? A couple of ...
Freestyle Cooking
Freestyle cooking is an easy, fast, flexible and realistic way to prepare food. In a day and age of overload of recipes, it can easily get lost. Recipe makers (blessed be their effort), make us believe that it involves hard work and special skills to make a recipe, and unless you follow it to the T, ...
Plant-Based Cream Sauces
Plant-based cream sauces are the cornerstones of our new plant-based lifestyle. As some of you know our cultural background is Mennonite. And for Mennonites Schmontfat is a must-have, along with sour cream and anything cream. Schmontfat is a cream sauce in many different variations. Non-Mennonites ...
How Much Food Can an Urban Homestead Grow for the Winter
How much food can an urban homestead grow for the winter? Here we share our Northern Homestead homegrown food storage as of today, Thanksgiving 2018. We are doing our best to live mindfully, kindly, sustainable, and joyfully. Our food storage is filled to overflow because we have been blessed ...
Cabbage Borscht Soup Recipe (Vegan)
Cabbage borscht soup is a very yummy traditional meal coming from Eastern Europe. It is not the same as beet borscht or Ukrainian borscht. There are several borscht soup versions and recipes; every family has a favorite. I love this kind of recipe that can be followed loosely since there is no right ...
Thoughts on the whole-food plant-based diet
If you follow us on social media, you might have noticed, that we talk about the whole-food plant-based diet more often. I thought it was time to share our thoughts on the whole-food plant-based diet, what is it, why eat healthily, and the challenges that come with it. What is a whole-food ...
How Different Plants Survive Frost
What to do if there is frost in the forecast? First, know your plants. We are talking here about the annual vegetable garden and some common flowers. Plants react very differently to frost. Also, young plants seem to be more resilient. When you know how your plants survive frost, it is easier ...
Kartoffelpuffer – Potato Pancakes Recipe
Kartoffelpuffer - Potato Pancakes Recipe is a real treat. This recipe is gluten-free and vegan with only 5 ingredients. The potato pancakes are so yummy that you would think that making them is a culinary science. Guess what, it is not. I like it simple, so simple that anyone could make them. My ...