The roasted root vegetable recipe is a delicious dish you should make a staple in your home. It is a true garden-to-table recipe that is simple, delicious, and realistically adds to your self-sufficiency list.
From garden to table
Self-sufficiency is a fancy word that, in its true sense, no one ever reaches. For us, it isn’t even something we are after. We know that we can not provide everything we need ourselves, and we do not have to. Still, self-sufficiency does have a place in our homestead. It does not have to be an all-or-nothing. We can be self-sufficient, for example with root vegetables.
If there is something you can easily do to provide for your family, why not? Growing everything might not be a realistic goal. Start with what you can, and enjoy the process. Root vegetables for roasting is a great start.
Root vegetables are among the easiest to grow. In our example, we will use beets, carrots, and potatoes. Other options are turnips, parsnips, rutabaga, and sweet potatoes. Follow the links provided to read more about growing the particular vegetable.
Growing simple staple vegetables is simple and rewarding. For more inspiration, read the blog article “Grow What You Eat.” Also, Stephanie Hafferty’s The Creative Kitchen is a great book that includes seasonal plant-based recipes for meals, drinks, gardening, and self-care.
Small or fingerling potatoes taste particularly delicious for the roasted root vegetables recipe. There are different color and size options. Yellow beets do not just add variation, but I also find that they are better digestible and blend well with other root vegetables. For carrots, choose the big one for roasting.
Use homegrown herbs
Herbs enhance roasted root vegetables; don’t skip them. Options include rosemary, sage, thyme, parsley, and lavage. I like to make a dry herb mix. Once the herbs are dry, I add them to a blender and blend briefly to break them up and mix them. Now, they can easily be sprinkled on top of the root vegetables.
What to serve with the Roasted Root Vegetables
Roasted root vegetables can be a side dish for almost any meal. We enjoy serving them with roasted chickpeas. Ten minutes before the root vegetables are done, we add a small pan with drained canned chickpeas and give them a quick roast.
We serve the chickpeas topped with Cheese Sauce and Carrot pepper salsa. The sweet-sour, creamy combination has a rich, yummy taste. It makes for a hearty, whole-food, plant-based meal.
- 2 carrots
- 6 beats (Yellow and purple)
- 1 pound potatoes
- 2-4 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 tablespoon crushed dry herbs
- Preheat at 385F convection or 425F regular oven.
- Scrub well or peel the root vegetables
- Cut the root vegetables into bite-size pieces (About an inch)
- Put them on a clean baking sheet and sprinkle with oil
- Toss to coat the root vegetables with the oil so that all the veggies and the sheet is oiled well, no sticking to the pan. Optional: if you want to go shy on oil, use a nonstick liner.
- Do not crowd the vegetables. Preferably turn them skin side down.
- Sprinkle the vegetables with herbs
- Bake for 35-45 minutes till done for your taste.
- Remove the vegetables from the oven and serve hot.

Leftovers can be reheated in a pan or air fryer. They can also make a root vegetable salad with fresh herbs and onions.
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